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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Still a lot of debate on which is doing better overall between the two detectors. Many are claiming they are going back to the GPX 5000 with a new (similar or larger sized) flat winding coil (NF Evolution or Coiltek Elite) and getting better results over the Flagship Minelab GPZ 7000. I have noticed the GPZ 7000 sales slowing down a bit, but haven't seen a huge jump in GPX 5000 sales. The new coils are selling well overall, but there thousands of users that have Minelab SD, GP or GPX's that can use the new coils. Curious if anyone has done any side by side comparison on various targets with both units? I guess the "million dollar" question is can a user now save $3000-4000 and invest in new GPX 5000 with a 15 or 17-inch new technology searchoil and get near or better results for a huge savings ..... New GPX 5000 for $4000 and new EVO or Coiltek coil for $500. Total invested - $4500.00 New GPX 4500 for $2699.00 and new EVO or Coiltek coils for $500. Total invested - $3200.00 New GPZ 7000 for $8000.00. Is it still the superior detector with just the 14x13 coil right now. My personal experiences last year with the GPZ 7000 was great. I loved the unit, found a lot of gold I missed with the GPX 5000 and the 14x9 Blitz coil (my favorite prospecting coil and used 99% of the time). Makes we wonder, do I crack out another GPZ or give the GPX 5000 (which I still own) a good run with a 15 to 17-inch coil? Humm ...
  2. Make me an offer or call me, I haven't heard anything. I'm willing to work with you 623.362.1459
  3. Hey Guys, Thanks for the Birthday wishes. It just seems like another day anymore. I remember as a kid I would look forward to the Birthday parties, cake, ice cream and friends. I hit the big 44 and I'm starting to feel it.
  4. Hey Jen, One hell of a find for sure. I could only imagine if you could strip all those Mother Lode creeks and benches down to bedrock, there are many more to be found (bigger and smaller). California would of been a blast with a modern day Minelab around 1840
  5. Hey Tortuga, That is "Metal Detectorist" paradise mine. Would love to own something like that were you had a lot of nuggets along with all the material to process.
  6. Hello, I have a used GPX 5000 battery that I had listed on the forums, with the wall charger for $250. Give me a call if you're interested 623.362.1459. New they are $441 + the charger. We can work something out!
  7. Hello All, Another forum member shared this on another forum and thought you all would enjoy. Pretty interesting to watch, about 35 minutes worth.
  8. Hello All, Jen, you will really like the EVO coils. The Advantage series are great, but you get more performance from the new EVO's. Unfortunately, I don't take coil trade ins as they get so much wear and tear and they are hard to re-sell. Fell free to use the classified section to move the used coil if you wish. When you're ready for a EVO, just give me a call and we can work something out! Thanks for the comments on the forums, some new stuff coming soon (hopefully good). My1spooky - Ya, figured it might get some excitement back up for the guys like myself that haven't done much over the Summer season. I have some great leads from a retired Geologist along with a ton of data that I never seen anywhere (most of it private from Mining companies). A bit excited to check them out this season, but it's remote.
  9. Hey Whitebutler, Congrats on the success. Many are using the B&Z on the GPZ 7000. I haven't personally tried it yet, but heard it's a real sleeper!
  10. Hello All, Jen - Yep, this was awhile back and it was found with my GPX 5000 and the NF 14-inch Advantage solid coil. I now have a 14x9 EVO on my GPX 5000, but haven't used it as of yet. The EVO seems a bit lighter and I know is more powerful then the prior NF coil. Andy - You are correct, but I have been working around the clock. I'm trying to get my mind back to the old days where I spent a lot of time exploring and opening up new country that isn't much known for gold nuggets.
  11. Hello All, Here is Minelab's new Premium Gold Panning Kit. You can view the Youtube video below to see it demonstrated by Steve. Herschbach & Chris Ralph. Great job guys on this! We now have these Panning kits available on our online store and Ebay store for $39.95 + Shipping/Handling. I'm excited to use this panning kit this winter season while gold dredging.
  12. Hello All, Here is Minelab's new Premium Gold Panning Kit. You can view the Youtube video below to see it demonstrated by Steve. Herschbach & Chris Ralph. Great job guys on this! We now have these Panning kits available on our online store and Ebay store for $39.95 + Shipping/Handling. I'm excited to use this panning kit this winter season while gold dredging.
  13. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Not sure about making it look easy, hundreds of hours searching with a few here and there to show for. Not too many times have I made a good hit like this in a day or so, but they are out there. As for location, I believe I can still see the tip of Rich Hill from here on a clear day!
  14. Hello All, I posted this some time ago, but was browsing pictures tonight and figured it was worth a re-post. These nuggets were all found in one crevice that was about 3-4 foot long and about a foot wide. No telling how much fine, flake gold I tossed out digging these nuggets, as I never dredged or drywashed the material. The wash has ran several times since th discovery, so I'm sure what I tossed out has washed away ..... The entire weight if I remember correctly was approx. 7.5 ounces. The larger nuggets on top of the coil are all 1-2 ounces. This was a heavily placered wash back in the day, so I could only image some of the cracks/crevices the old-timers discovered. Rumors were back in the early days a nugget the size of a "pie plate" was found in the nearby area. Hope you enjoyed. The Winter prospecting season is right around the corner!
  15. Hello All, I have (2) traded-in Minelab SDC 2300's, both in great condition with all stock accessories. I'm asking $2600 each, which will include shipping and insurance anywhere in the US. This unit new is $3750, so this is a great bargain and over $1000 less than the normal sale price. The SDC is the most sensitive Pulse Induction metal detector to date, can handle the worst mineralization, can fold up and be backpacked in and is 100% waterproof. We have pictures of both if needed, but they are both great conditioned with minimal scratches and wear. Not looking to trade for them, just outright purchases. Great units for the upcoming Winter prospecting season.
  16. Yes, this unit was purchased from us at Rob's Detector Sales. Great customer and great detector and accessories for this upcoming Winter season!
  17. Hello All, Here is a post about the new Nugget Finder 15-inch Round Evolution coil from the AZO forum. We have these coils now in stock and available for sale. One heck of a patch found here!
  18. Hello All, I know we have talked about bees before on the forums and what is the best method to deal with them. A few weekends ago I was out metal detecting and used a quad to get to a location. I was metal detecting probably 20-30 yards from where the quad was parked. I was metal detecting around some old workings, larger boulders and stacked walls. As I was digging out a target, trying to roll over larger rocks, a bunch of bees swarmed from below the rocks. I took off running, with the detector and whatever I could run with. I managed to escape before the entire colony was swarming right in the immediate area. I ran for about 100 yards until it seemed like most were not following me anymore. I managed to get stung 2-3 times in the left arm during the running process. I took a short break, watching from a distance. I was trying to figure out, how to get the quad out of there and eventually back to my truck. Before I knew it, the bees discovered where I was, and there was one, two and almost a dozen swarming around me again. I tried my best to not swat at them, but it's almost impossible when they are diving for your face. I moved further away and managed for the most part to only see 1-2 bees here and there flying around. I waited for about 30 minutes thinking how I was going to attempt to get to the quad and not anger them. I dropped all my items and decided to sneak from another direction to the quad. Within about 10-15 yards I started having several bees swarm around me again. Just as I got right at the quad, there was a handful of them, diving at my face again. I could feel them bouncing off my hat and back. Before I knew it, I had several more stings and I took off running again. At this point, I was pretty damn frustrated, thinking the quad might have to stay overnight. I hated to leave the quad, and some of the gear, but figured since I had the key already and most of my valuable goods, it would probably be difficult for someone to steal the quad and deal with the bees at the same time. With no gold in my poke, a dozen or so bee stings, I figured I was getting the hell out of here. I managed to walk a long ways around the area and back to where I parked my truck. The next morning I returned bright and early, no bees around and managed to get my quad. Once I drove away, I seen a few bees flying around, so the quad noise might have angered them once again. The area sure looked good and I know those bees were guarding a few gold nuggets! Be careful out there, the bees are no joke. I couldn't imagine if the entire colony would have attacked me.
  19. Great to know they are still out there being found. Would love to see another biggie from the US pop out!
  20. Hey Shep, Did you happen to get your GPX 4500 back from Woody yet? Curious on how the mod is doing?
  21. Hey Boulder Dash, Good reports and congrats on the four you found. I always found after some good Monsoons that a handful of washes (normally the richer ones) would have a few pieces that would surface.
  22. Hey Guys, Thanks for the update. Tom - Were you able to see much of the Meteor Shower? Last year I was up around Congress and about 1am I walked outside and it looks like "Star Wars!" I never seen anything like this. I could even hear some of the meteorites.
  23. Hey Guys, It's been a few months since I have actually been out. I think about sneaking out for a few hours during the weekends, but something always comes up. Curious if the Monsoon's moved anything around out there? Hope you're finding some gold!