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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, I think we all are anxiously waiting for the 19-inch coil to arrive here in the US for the GPZ 7000. That being said, I could see it being released when it starts getting cooler here in the Southwest. I have no interests in one now, but I'm sure others would love to have them.
  2. Hey Jen, The 24K was sure fun while it lasted. Hundreds of nuggets were found on the pushes. Great club for the short time it lasted. I heard (rumors) that they were still collecting dues/memberships even though the club was dismantled.
  3. Hey Uncle Ron, What a beautiful piece. If I didn't have no much out of pocket right now, I might consider it. I'm sure it will sell quickly due to the quality of work and nice Arizona gold nugget.
  4. Hey Alchemist, Wow.... that is some impressive depth if that is the case. I have been amazed on what the GPZ 7000 can do on small/large gold at depth. I have dug pieces at a foot that used to be 4-5 Gram pieces that are now 1-2 Gram pieces. A 1.9 Gram piece at 14 inches (show above in chart) with the GPZ 19-inch coil is crazy.
  5. Hello All, Seen this on Minelab's Facebook page earlier today. Don't know the details, beyond it was found with a GPZ 7000 and sounds like a a recent find. This is what the article said -
  6. Hey Bob, Very interesting. Never been up around the Happy Camp area, but heard about the gold and gemstones around.
  7. Hello All, I'm not sure how much anyone follows the "Reinhart Case" based on the ban of Suction Dredges in California. Here is some great information and video from Dave McCracken about some of the most updated information. I sure hope everything gets overturned and everyone can get their dredges back in the water in California. If anyone wants to know more about Mr. Rinehart and what is going on, please visit his site at this URL - There are many organizations, clubs and individuals that have and are helping Mr. Rinehart fund this case in court. I couldn't imagine how expensive a case like this could and if they go to the Supreme Court. If you would like to help Mr. Rinehart on this case, there are a couple of donation options - People can send checks to "Murphy & Buchal LLP Client Trust Fund" which a note that the checks are for the benefit of Brandon Rinehart by mailing to : James Buchal 3425 SE Yamhill Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97214 You can also Paypal Donate directly to Brandon Rinehart by using this paypal email address - More information will be updated soon. If you would like to share any information, please post on this thread below. Thanks!
  8. Hey Californiagold, Ya, I would think they are pretty close, if not the same. I tried to get an answer on what exactly is a Flat Winding Technology" from Coiltek, but couldn't get an answer. '
  9. Hello All, Here is some information that Chris Gholson from ArizonaOutback passed along to me today about the new Nuggetfinder Evolution Searchcoils.
  10. Hello All, Kind of a neat old video on the Fisher Goldbug Metal Detector and how it works.
  11. Hey Guys, I have a short video I will try to attach from Pat Keene. I have owned the Keene 151 several times and the unit was a Beast. Two guys can shovel all day in that unit, so it was pretty much a production type drywasher when I was using it. I now own the smaller, 141 with the Vac-Pac. I use this for small spots where the gravel is shallow and I found a lot of gold nuggets. Some places have been pretty good, other places it amazing how there are nuggets and minimal amount of smaller gold and fines. This new King Kong Drywasher by Keene Engineering will be a big step over the 151 from the looks. If they get this unit to run 3-5 yards per day, it might make it worthwhile for the guys that have spots that just afford equipment, but productive enough with man-power shoveling or dumping buckets.
  12. Hey Uncle Ron, Great to hear. Always great when people come together and help. You never know when it could (you) us, ask for help.
  13. Hey Digger Bob, Thanks for sharing those unique gold nuggets. I wish I would have spent more time up there back in the 90's. I didn't care much about the Chevron gold back then, just too far away. That being said, a friend that has pounded that area for the last 25 years has a Museum collection of Rye Patch gold that has some of the best crystal patterns I have ever seen. He don't post on the forums, nor talk much about his gold. Great to hear from you. Hope all is well.
  14. Hey Guys, Pat Keene sent this picture to me today also. I also have a short video, I will try to upload it also. Going to see if I can get a estimated price on this unit and when it might hit the market here in the US.
  15. Thanks Brother! Despite our busy work schedules, we need to get out there and swing the detectors. P.S. You see SRP's 500KV Transformer on fire? ....
  16. Hello All, Here is an interesting article about Mercury being used for gold mining in the Amazon.
  17. Hey Guys, Mark Keene has been really busy, but shot me over a few pictures and this info on the King Kong Drywashwer. I told him to keep me updated and I would pass the information onto the forums for you guys.
  18. Hey Barry, Thanks for jumping in and answering Way2cool's question. I wasn't sure, although I never heard of any changes, so didn't want to anything in hopes you would jump in. Thanks again!
  19. Hey Guys, Well if you can't find gold nuggets you can always go to Japan and see if you can win one! Read the article below and see the video .... LOL Here is the Youtube Video -
  20. Haha ..... I never said I wouldn't tell, just maybe not so soon. I learned my lesson too many time over now about showing someone too soon (not speaking about you).
  21. Hey Jimmy, That is correct. I think it's so much down (a few hundreds) to get started in the club. From there you can pay once a year or monthly (like $10). I did this for many years and finally just paid the membership off in full and now a Lifetime member of the Roadrunner's. I think it's worth every penny as it's a great club with great claims. P.S. Toss my name in the hat for the referral and I will get a nugget. Heck, I will send it to you so you will have a test nugget!
  22. Hey Uncle, Thanks for sharing. Thoughts and Prayers for this baby girl and her family. I donated, hope others can help out a little also.
  23. You want to see more or what .... LOL If I show you anymore my text message and phone won't stop ringing .... Haha