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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys/Gals, Whitebutler - Wow .... that is pretty impressive for the amount of attention Rye Patch has gotten over the years. It's a fun place to hunt and the Chevron Gold is beautiful, but a bit too far for me to travel. I think the last trip took 14-15 hours from Central Arizona. Jonathan Porter - Yes, I have been selling them pretty regularly. They are a high quality Booster that can pretty much run on any unit from what I have seen. I agree with you on the picks, they are crazy expensive to ship in general, not counting overseas shipping. I purchased a few Walco Picks a few years back from a Australian dealer and ended up paying about $200 per pick figuring the cost of shipping included. It was worth it, as I wanted those picks, but I'm not sure I will order anymore at that price per pick. Jen - Ya, when will we see a DVD on the Minelab GPZ 7000 from Jonathan Porter? Maybe we can put in on the spot ..... LOL
  2. Hey Rod, Great to hear from you and great you're back on the forums. I reached out to Keene directly on this unit to see if they could come back with anymore information. I haven't heard back from Mark or Pat as of yet. I agree, in a arid desert region with good pay, this might be the ticket. Regardless if you have a small backhoe or not, a small group of guys could run a lot of material if the gold was good enough and warranty the physical labor.
  3. Hey Whitebutler, Well it's always great to hear someone is talking good about you. I have always treated people with the highest amount of respect and consider myself a "straight-shooter." I haven't been up to Rye Patch in years, not sure I could even find a nugget anymore there .... LOL Doc is a great friend, another person with the highest amount of integrity. Looking forward to talking with you.
  4. Hello All, It's that time of year the snakes start popping out in numbers. I encountered two snakes in the last week here in the county. One was a small Diamondback Rattlesnake under one of our Hay pallets and another was a huge Bull/Gopher Snake along the side of our house. I have always highly recommended wearing Crackshot's Snake Guardz, Snake Gaitors during the Summer months. Crackshot offers a 100% Guarantee on them as shown in this video below - Anyone hiking, exploring, metal detecting the outdoors during these months I recommend you looking into a pair. They have no metal, so they work great around metal detectors. Anyone interested in pair, we carry them in sizes from Small, Medium, Large, X-Large. We only carry one color, which you can see at our online store here -
  5. Hey Old Tom, I agree with the "bumping or thumping." I had a few bounce off me, including Wasp's, so I know that is a sign you better turn your ass around or walk way around them. I think for the most part (I know this will open a can or worms), most animals and insect "try" to warn you to stay away or else .....
  6. Hey Jrod1101, Hard to beat a Minelab GPX 5000. Some believe with the right coil they outperform a GPZ 7000. You know how those debates can go! Lynx Creek is a very trashy area, as there is rubbish from the original miners all the way up to modern day trash. I have seen a few beauties that were detected in the Lynx Creek area, so they are there. Consider the Roadrunner's Prospecting Club if you join a club here in Arizona. They have the most claims and some pretty decent ones for metal detecting for gold nuggets. Thanks for posting here.
  7. God Bless all the Men and Women that fought for our Freedom, past and present. While we sit here today in "Remembrance" of all the fallen soldiers there are hundreds of thousands of Vets away from their family and friends protecting the great United States. Happy Memorial Day 2016. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
  8. Hey Whitebutler, Sounds great. Look us up when you're ready to purchase one. We would love to do business with you.
  9. Hey Guys, Found this video on Youtube. It's the Keene "King Kong" Drywasher. Looks pretty slick for moving more material in arid, dry desert regions with minimal or no water. Curious if anyone has any thoughts after watching the video below -
  10. Hello All, Here is a very interesting article about the 4th largest Copper Deposit in the World, here in Arizona. The mine is now at 7,000 feet deep and they plan to use a "Block Mining" method, which means mining from the bottom up and allow gravity to work. Read the article and make sure you click on the video -
  11. Hello All, I'm sure many of you have heard of the recent death of a hiker here in Arizona from Africanized bees. The 23 year old man was out hiking and was stung more than 1,000 times. Here is the Arizona Central article - I couldn't tell you how many times out metal detecting I have ran into large hives of bees. I have found them in trees, on the ground, in the rock walls and in mines/prospects. Good friend always said the best method beyond running was using a wide defensive spray to bring them down if you're getting attacked in numbers. He always said when you're out detecting it's going to be hard for the most part to dart 100-200 yards when you have all your gear/metal detector on and the fact most places don't allow to you run that distance straight. Here is a some information on found on a University of Arizona website about bees -
  12. Hey Guys, Great bunch of nuggets you both turned up. Some good character on both groups of gold nuggets. Hope to see more posted in the near future. Wishing you both a bunch of luck.
  13. Hey Jen, Great bunch of guys there on the video. I think Kevin has really helped the GPAA get the buzz back out there. I think for awhile the GPAA didn't know what direction they were heading, but I believe they are back on track now. I think the "Gold Trails" shows have helped get the word back out about the GPAA. The Roadrunner's is also a great local club in Arizona and Highly recommended. Make sure you recommend me, I will get a nugget! LOL
  14. Hey Whitewater, Maybe showing the owner of the property the video's and have him take it up with the "poachers/high-graders" and let them know the next time they are caught the video(s) will be taken to the nearest law enforcement. Maybe the "poachers" watch the forums and will see that they have been caught on camera!
  15. Hello All, I know there was a question on what units (detectors) the B&Z Booster can be used with. This is straight off of Jonathan Porter's site - Hope this helps a bit. I have sold them to customers that are using pretty much any detector that has that 1/4 headphone jack. I haven't heard any complaints yet all all the units I have sold working on VLF, PI and now GPZ's. If anyone has any feedback, please post it here so we all can hear about it. The B&Z Booster's can be purchased here if anyone is looking for one -
  16. Hello All, We have a lot of stuff that will be happening very soon. I'm asking anyone that is interested to Subscribe to our long running Youtube Channel to make sure you're always getting to see the newest videos. We haven't done any videos in some time, but more are coming soon. Our Nuggethunting Youtube Channel URL is - Click "Subscribe" when you're on our video page. This is one of the last Youtube Videos we uploaded, but promise more are on the way -
  17. Hello All, I was browsing through some old pictures and came across this one. It's one of my largest nuggets found with the Minelab SDC 2300. It was actually down a bit in nasty clay, so was surprised when I dug it up. I don't think I measured the depth of the hole, but being in very nasty ground it was just a whisper at around 12-14 inches. I only found dinks around it, so was pretty surprised when this popped up. The piece was just shy of a solid ounce.
  18. Hey Jim, Ya, I guess I have to look back to when I found my first gold nugget, I was hot to trot to find more gold. I guess the "Gold Fever - Gold Bug" gets too you and you don't even know. I'm sure we all get the calls, emails and such about where to go and guys wanting to hunt old patches. I'm all for helping someone out, which I think most do, but it's not a "One Way Street." The old stories are sure great to listen to, regardless of how much true is really in them.
  19. Hey Jim, Ya, we probably have and didn't even know it. A friend of mine told me about another prospecting store beyond "Arizona Al's" on 43rd ave, this might be the one you're speaking about. Frank Lynn was at A&B, a few friends of mine knew him very well. Yes, have the online store, Ebay store and the forums here. If you ever need anything, look me up.
  20. Hello All, You already seen a video I posted on the large, potato sized nuggets from the Liberty area. Here is a video of some amazing wire gold nuggets they found in the nearby area.
  21. Hey SanDomingo Jim, Ya, I guess we have to understand. I'm not sure I would tell anyone right out of the gate where I found a huge nugget. We all know has it causes a mini-gold rush to the area. I have always been a guy to share and talk for the most part about my finds. However, I have been burned over it many times also for having loose lips hoping someone wouldn't run out and beat your patch up .....
  22. Hey Tom, As you know I'm now driving a GMC 2500HD Diesel 4x4. Pretty heavy duty truck for the back roads of Arizona. I managed to get away with the stock tires for a few years crossing my fingers on bad roads. Finally it caught up with me and I was in the middle of nowhwhere and blew a front tire out. I should have known better, but lucky I was in a spot I could change it to my spare and crawl out of their in hopes of not blowing another one. I have been a long time fan of BFG Mud Terrain and All-Terrains. I ended up putting the newest KO2's on my rig also and love them. No trouble yet ...., but I ended up paying $240 a tire since I have 20-inch rims.
  23. Hey Jim, Not sure if we ever met, but Richard really touched a lot of prospectors out there. I still think about when he used to say, "You have to make the gold." I never understood it first, but he meant if you didn't believe it was there or had any confidence in your equipment and yourself finding it, you would never find it! Great to have you on the forums SanDomingo Jim. Would love to hear any other stories you might have about Richard or any other adventures you're willing to share with us.
  24. Hey Neilo, On my Minelab SDC 2300, 99% of the time I was using Sensitivity setting 3. I rarely ever used 4 or 5, as I found nuggets down to a grain in size in 3. My threshold was just one or two lights, which was a very light threshold. However, when you went over a small nugget or target it would really sound off.