night and morning hunt

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I was able to get out to a old patch over the weekend.  The problem is it's so dangerously hot during the day.  I made it out there close to dark and the humidity was really high but the heat of the day had subsided. Once dark had rolled around the bugs were in full swing as well as a extremely active thunder storm just a few miles away... Dispite those night challenges I was able to find 7 small nuggets and a few fines while bugs dive bombed my eyes.. First thing in the morning I headed back out to the patch before the excessive heat set in.. As soon as the sun came out I was drenched in sweat.. Literally my shirt was completely wet.. I drank over a gallon of water over a 3 HR period and lost it all to sweat. I was raking rocks and trimming bushes.  Dispite these challenges I still found 5 more small ones by 10am . I do not recommend heading out this time of year unless you have experience in doing so.

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Your a monster! WTG. I went up one wash last year at this time and drank my 3 liter backpack dry. Like you say, you just sweat it all out and cant get cool.   Nice finds.

Tom H.


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"S-h-i-s-h"   :ph34r:   BD,....don't tell anybody about our secret detector(s),...I think you and I are the only ones that still have them with the unique features   B)     Where were you ??.. up around "the-hinges-of-hates (Kingman), or down where it's "Just-Hot" (south of Prescott)????  Nice "Sweat-nuggets" anyway.  Gary

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1 hour ago, boulder dash said:

South of Prescott in the caldrun of chaos. It's not so much the detector but habits of the operator that make the magic.

I "Concur",.... as I also frequent that neck of the woods on occasion, and am also a habitual-behavioral-detector-tot'n operator that habitually re-utilizes my habits that cause me to habituate further,  thus causing me to undergo habituation;which I resort to on a regular basis,  B) thus giving rise-to further-habits, which is inherent in particular individuals  :ph34r: striving-to attain such magic.  :blink: :D

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Hey Guys,

    I now have one of those Minelab GP 3000's, maybe it has some magic to it.  I will probably end up selling it here soon when someone wants a good, older Minelab PI for a good price.  My magic came with the GP Extreme ..... maybe it was just the big change in technology from the older SD to the GP series. 

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