first nugget with a detector!

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i bought a gpx 5000 from Rob at the end of this last January. After countless hours and trash targets i finally found a nice little nugget with the gpx and a 6x8 nugget finder mono that i also bought from Rob. He kept telling me all i have to do is get the coil over some gold and i finally did it! Going again in the morning around the crossman peak area and can hardly wait to get out again. Many thanks to Rob! Chip from Havasu.


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  • Admin

Hey Chip,

I knew it would happen, congrats!!! The NF 8x6 is deadly on small gold, but the nugget you found isn't small, so gives you an idea that it's not just for tiny dinks. Wishing you much more luck when you return to the area. Thanks once again for your business and friendship.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Great find. As I am sure most folks will tell you, that first one is the hardest. The second one will come quicker. The most important thing that happens when you find your first nugget is that your confidence in your detector, your coil, and most importantly yourself goes up tremendously. Let's face it, until you find that first nugget you have no confidence.

I remember finding my first nugget with my SD2200 and just being dumbfounded that there really is gold, in the ground, and if you get your coil over it you will hear it. And if you dig it up, you can put it in your pocket, and it's valuable, and no one says you can't do it.

What's weird is even now, when I find a nugget, I still just can't believe what a neat hobby this is.


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That is a really nice nug!

Congrats on finding it. :)

Just keep swinging....learning....and enjoy!

Try not to shake so much on the next one :)

You got sweet one there. :)

Tom H.

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Thanks to all for the repies and encouragement! I've been prospecting for many years and i hope there are many more to come. The anticipation of finding a nugget is a very large part of the actual finding, you just never know when it's going to come! Again,Thanks for all the encouragement. Chip

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