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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guido, Congrats on the Mountain gold! Wishing you much more success out there in the Mountains and Deserts. Thanks for sharing, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Chris, Ya, that is a shame when you see that. You can purchase a new GPX-4500 in Dubia for less than $3,500 US right now from what I've been told by a reliable source. I was real careful with this whole Dubia/Sudan rush and played my cards just right. Some dealers raked in the cash, while some dealers are out of business over this deal. The same thing will happen with coils. Right now there is a mad rush to get coils, but it will be no different than detectors. Many coils are being shipped to Europe and other countries from Australia, so by the time the US dealers get them, many customers will already have them. If you haven't gotten the cash for the coil in advance, you might be in trouble trying to unload hundreds of coils. The customers over there have no more loyality to you than the first dealer that can put the coils in their hands. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Terry, I haven't had or been near a skunk in a long time, kind of got used to it. However, this last Saturday a partner and I both got skunked and we put in some hours swinging. I never thought I would get skunked at this location, always can pull a dink, but it didn't happen this weekend. Thought about getting out today, but the were predicting 110 degrees ... Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, I have a Minelab GPX-4500 stock Li-Ion battery with the built in charger and signal enhancer that I'm wanting to sell. Brand new these systems are now $495.95 (were $399.95). I'm asking $350 firm on this battery as it's like new and never been used on a detector. I had a few bites from friends, but the first one that emails or calls me will take it. Email - Phone - 623-362-1459 Thanks, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Lucky Family, Congrats on the recent gold. I still remember when my wife would go out. She would score just about everytime out. She found several "leader nuggets" that lead me into a couple of small patches. She still tells me that I wouldn't have found those patches without her help! Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Was out and about today and a customer called and said the forum was down with a database error. I just got home and done a quick fix and everything seems ok now. Let me know if you're still getting any errors. Thanks, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, I personally want to Thank all the people that served in the Armed Forces. Some paid the greatest price for our Freedom today. God Bless You All! Happy Memorial Day. Warm Regards, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Audacity, Most of the major drainages in the Bradshaw range are starting to dry up. I haven't personally been up to Lynx Creek this year, but my guess is there should be at least puddles of water if the water is not running or trickling. There are many gold bearing side drainages of Lynx, some worked pretty extensive by the old-timers and some not worked real hard. Since Lynx was very productive in the early days, you will experience a lot of iron rubbish from the early miners, depression era and modern day. Some good sized nuggets have been found there. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Benz, Thanks for sharing the great story and Rye Patch Nugget. All those guys you mentioned are great people. Wishing you much more success out there. Hope to see more pictures of your nuggets in the near future. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Lucky, Great to hear DigDeep and Co. made it up your way. I'm glad they came out a couple of weeks ago, cause now it's hitting the 100's here in Central Arizona. Congrats that you guys got over some gold. A partner and I revisted a new patch and scored some nuggets Friday, but hoping the Wife will let me escape for a few hours tomorrow (I doubt it though ... ) Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, I just had a friend send in a SD2100v2, which needed a toggle switch repair on the Ground Balance 1 channel. The machine was quickly repaired and shipped back to him, which was a great surprise on his part. This customer and friend has had similar issues, but after this repair he was impressed until .... I'm not going to finish the rest of the story. The issue has been taken care of. I truely believe Minelab USA, Inc. is doing their best. There has been a lot of changes and with Gary S. now in the drivers seat I think it's just a matter of time until everything turns around. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Uncle Ron, The last two weekend out I have had guests that have purchased detector and accessories from me. During these outings we have seen a handful of Rattlesnakes. When I was out with DigDeep and Co. I walked them around the area showing them potential areas to nuggetshoot. During our walk we ran into a very larger, Pink Rattlesnake and then later down in the main gulch we crossed another Diamondback in the tall grass. When I drove home that weekend I seen two crossing the road. Last weekend I also seen another two crossing the road, one on the way in and one on the way out. The Rattlesnakes are out, so make sure you're paying close attention. I also recommend a good pair of Snake Gaitors (pictured below) during this time of year to give you added protection. I think they are well worth their weight in gold. For $62.00 these Gaitors will last you years. P.S. Is the Pink Rattlesnake just a common Western Diamondback? What I noticed is that most of the Pink ones I see lack the "Coontail" bands around the tail, which makes me think it might be a Tiger Rattler. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hey NVChris, The DD Pro's are hot DD coils. I've done very well with them over the years. Their resistance reading is higher cause they do have more windings than a typical DD from what I've been told. They also produce about 20% more power than a typical DD coil of the same size. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Audactiy, Most of the ones in the immediate Phoenix area have closed down. The two I recommend are A&B Prospecting in Mesa and Pro-Gold Prospecting in Youngtown. You can Internet search for both of these listing. I'm strickly a Internet/Mail Order business, but feel free to call or email me anytime. If you need something that I have, I can met you somewhere. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Last weekend my partner and I found a small patch on a hillside, so we revisited that same location today and managed to find some more gold nuggets. There is quartz everyone on this hillside, so it's hard to indentify where the gold might be coming from. We were both using Minelab GPX-4500 metal detectors with the 14-inch elliptical Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils. It's always nice to find some gold, but damn it's starting to get hot in the lower deserts. Thought you would enjoy. Rob Allison
  16. Hey Grubsteak, I think Dennis and I are going to do some exploring in the morning. Hoping to pick up a few more nuggets. Keep us posted on how you do out there. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Adam, I'm the first to admit I loved the Bates boots (Black, waterproof ones). I probably went through 20-25 pairs since I've been prospecting with them. I just order a pair of Converse from LaPoliceGear and I love them. I doubt I will ever go back to the Bates after wearing these. I also got the ones with the composite hard toe, which is nice for kicking rocks and such. When your boots wear out, you might want to give the Converse a run. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Guys, Most coils should be marked, but if they are older the label or marking could have wore off. You can test the coils on a detector if you understand what type of signal response and where you should hit targets. However, like NvChris mentioned, you can check the resistance of the coil windings to see what type of coil it is also. Typically, DD and DD Pro coils will have more windings, meaning a higher resistance. A Mono coil with less windings than a DD will have less resistance. You can use a simple Mulit-meter in the Ohm's setting to ring out your coil. Keep in mind, you must be comparing like sized coils. A 18-inch Mono should have a higher resistance reading than a 8-inch Mono and such. Basically just testing the coil wire from one end to the other. The longer the wire the more resistance. If you don't have something to compare with or against, then this might not be the best method. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Adam, I will look into it and see what I can do on my end. For the meantime, DigDeep gave a good suggestion to open external links in a separate window. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Emamco, I would recommend you wait for about a month at the most, that is all I can say. What is coming out might just answer the question you asked. The external Signal Enhancers, such as the new Goldscreamer is much more cleaner than the one built into the GPX-4500 stock Li-Ion Battery. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Moose Nuggets, There are two DVD's on the GPX-4500. One is JP's SETA Project and the other is AZO's DVD, which I'm featured in. If you have both of these, that pretty much covers the DVD's on the GPX-4500 at this time. Also sounds like you have both of Chris's "Nugget Hunting Essential" DVD's, Volume 1 & 2. You might want to check out my Youtube videos and other videos on the GPX-4500. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Dutchman, Ya, I'm glad I took the advice from you guys to purchase them. On another note, Manny from Rich Hill was asking if I heard from you. He is staying in the rock circle campground between your camp and Weaver Cemetary. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Jim, Yep, I would have to give all credit to Uncle Ron and Doc for the first Yahoo forums. Bill and I got the first verison of the PHP boards online. Bill had been quiet, probably working, running his business and a personal life like mine. It's great that there are a number of Internet forums today for newbies and seasoned prospectors to view. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Grubstake, One of the last places I prospected in Quartzsite is where I was chasing a vein of this ore down. I believe I have a good idea where the strike is going, but was limited on time. This area is very remote and requires a good hike to find it. This piece was almost 10 ounces, with many Brother's and Sisters and even a handful of Babies to go along with it. It's some of the richest ore I have found during my prospecting/metal detecting ventures. If I could even find the source, if it's still there (I believe so), at todays gold prices it could be a very good hit. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Jim, I was hoping we (Reg, You and I) could have gotten the meteorite book off the ground. Even though I haven't talked with Reg in some time, he is still a true friend in my book. Jim, I feel I have a wealth of information to share, but lack in time and skills when it comes to official writing. I like to talk face to face where people can see and feel my passion about this hobby. I personally feel you have and do write the best books. You use other people and give others a lot of credit. Many books and new writers thrive on the "Look at Me" or "I learned everything myself, no one ever helped me" mentality. I have several mentors, you being one of them. Uncle Ron - Yes, I forgot all about Doc's Goldstalker forum. That one became corrupt with Spammers and crap. The advantage of the new forum formats is the validation process. The forums are a part of my daily routine to see what is going on out there. Take care, Rob Allison