Yesterday's Ounce Plus

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My wife and I went out for a few hours yesterday and we worked a 8-0 x 2-0 area along bedrock and we came up with this 1.25 ouncer. The nugget had some great character and I am looking forward to this weekend to find it's siblings. While this area was worked over good in the 1800's, they didn't get it all.


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Nice chunk o gold!
First jealous....second....glad you got it :)
Third....glad to see the big stuff is still out there and the old timers didnt get them all.


Tom H.

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Very Nice find afriscot

Great shape on that nugget too. I noticed you dont post often but when you do it's a nice one. got me wondering about all the little ones?

I agree, "they didn't get it all". Best of luck on more. AzNuggetBob

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