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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey bjretired, Like way2cool mentioned, Greaterville is not far from Tucson. Many good nuggets have been found there. If you locate to Peeples Valley, you will have many goldfields in all directions.
  2. Hey Fishing8046, I guess that is always possible, but I doubt it will happen for these reasons. The Fisher Goldbug 2 is $764 with just one coil, 6.5 or 10 inch. If you want the Combo, you are around $850 or more. The Gold Monster is much newer VLF technology, full digital and is $799.00 with both coils. I think the price is right and I couldn't tell you how many thousands have been sold here in the US alone.
  3. Hello All, Well yesterday I got the bad new from a friend that Legend, Jim Straight passed away. Most probably know Jim as a icon in this hobby of gold prospecting. Jim has been a great friend and mentor of mine. Without Jim's help back in the day, I wouldn't be where I am now. God Bless you Jim, I will truly miss you! Your friend and Brother in Christ, Rob Allison
  4. Hey Tom, Congrats on the exploring and gold nugget you found.
  5. Hey Bjretired, The district shows only about 1,000 ounces of placer gold found, but sometimes these smaller districts can hold the best potential. They are less hunted, so more potential for virgin ground for metal detecting. I have a friend, lost contact with him that hunted gold nuggets around Sierra Vista and Bisbee area. There is gold nuggets in the area, but spotty like all other areas.
  6. Hey Fishing8046, Yes, I have used it a few times, but I mainly use the GM 1000 for really shallow areas chasing the smallest gold possible. Have you tried it yet?
  7. Hey Flak, Tell Chris that isn't bad, some customers of mine travel across country to get the opportunity to find a single gold nugget. Chris - At least you live in the Mother Lode state!
  8. Hey Old Tom, What great news to hear, Gold Bless! I'm so glad that the prayers helped out. It's great to see a Father and Son team out prospecting together and enjoying this great hobby together. I know you always do this, but Thank God when you're out prospecting when you see HIM through all the wonderful creation around you!
  9. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Sorry the forum is so slow ..... Maybe someone can spark a flame here with some new finds!
  10. Hello All, Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter weekend. God Bless!
  11. Hey Tom, Prayers for your Father for sure! Glad he is already showing good improvement.
  12. Hey Tom and others, The company just recently changed their name, so here is the new link -
  13. Hey Chris, Ya, I guess I'm complain a bit, but have to blessed that I have a good day job that provides well for my family along with a very successful business. Thanks to all my wonderful friends and customers, without them I wouldn't have what I have today. I just wish at times I could free up more time to spend searching for gold with a metal detector.
  14. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Truly a lifetime find for me. No question large gold nuggets are still out there to be found.
  15. Hey Chris, Excellent video. Thanks for sharing with us. Would love to see more when you make more videos. Feel free to share them here. Thanks!
  16. Hey Tom, Ya, it was a great find with many Sisters and Brothers! That being said, it was not where most textbooks or most people would think a large nugget would be found. It was in fact in an ancient bench, but actually on the far opposite side of an inside bend. I guess this was the most amazing part, as we could have easily missed it. That being said, I guess we can say it has been missed for several hundred years, as there is old placer activity all around the area and they didn't find this one. It kind of reminds me of a small operation back in the 90's around Quartzsite, AZ. A small group of guys were working a gulch with a large excavator and running the material through a crude trommel. They were using VLF's to metal detect, mostly Fisher Gold Bug's. They ended up hitting an old channel deep within an old bench and uncovered a handful of huge gold nuggets on bedrock, one being 26 ounces solid.
  17. Hello All, If anyone has ever explored up around Rock Springs or Black Canyon City, AZ, you have heard of the Kay Mine. It's an old Copper and Gold Mine that is located off the old Black Canyon City Road. A good friend of mine just shared this with me, as it looks like a Canadian Company called Croesus Gold has re-drilled and found some good ore bodies. Here is a short video and link -
  18. Hello All, It seems like every year I get less and less time to swing the detector. This year, I have only been out a few times with very little gold under the searchcoil. I'm hoping to change that soon, as work is slowing down and the business will follow as the Summer heat starts getting closer. Last year was a Banner year, maybe one of my best seasons overall to date for electronic prospecting. I don't want to discuss numbers, but I Thank God for his blessing. Below is one of many large ones that were found last season using the Minelab GPZ 7000 metal detector. That nugget hit the scale just a shy under 13 Troy ounces. Wishing you all a successful 2019 season!
  19. Hey WHawkins, The new Detech 15" is getting great results like you mentioned on the GPX series for sure.
  20. Hey Chris, Ya, many of the areas are riddles with bullets from all the recreational shooters anymore. It's hard to get away from bullets, unless you're really back in the hills, but even then you still find the random bullet. Good to hear you and Dave got out and at least got to swing over some country with your detectors. I have been locked up here at home working around the clock (day job and business).
  21. Hey IFINDGOLD, Thanks for sharing your Minelab SDC 2300 finds with us here. I would recommend trying one of the new Coiltek Gold Extreme coils at some point and re-checking those areas over. Let me know how you do when you try it. Talk with you later,
  22. Hey Bud, Thanks for always being a long time friend and loyal customer. Wishing you much success with the new SDC searchcoil.
  23. Hello All, Just a quick FYI, anyone still looking to pick up a Minelab GPZ 7000 Metal Detector, Free 2019 Bundle Package and FREE 19" Super DD Searchcoil (value of $1500), you only have 5 days left to act. This great promo will end here in the US on April 15th, 2019. This is a great opportunity to save a ton of money and get a handful of FREE items from us here at Rob's Detector Sales. We will also train you for 1 day on private Arizona mining claims. Your price $8,000.00 Shipped here in the US.