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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey All, Just a FYI, the listing that Jen was talking about, we are 99.9% positive that was the item. He gave the serial number to several that matched mine in the beginning. He pulled the listing and is now on the run. The law is searching for him along with a Private Investigator. He might never get caught, nor the detector get returned, but he's got about 3 major charges against him if he's caught. I gave him the option to return the detector and I would walk away, but he tried to sell and get one over on me. He will have to watch his every move to not get caught at some point. He's got Federal Mail Fraud on his hands, a criminal theft of over $7200 dollars, and Trans-State Internet Fraud. He could face up to 10 years in Prison if caught. P.S. We know his name, his vehicle, what he looks like All I can ask from you guys is to help watch for listings in the US for a GPZ 7000 with the serial number provided in the first post. Run Forest Run .......
  2. Hello All, Just a FYI, we have plenty of the Pro-Find 15's, but the 35's are now on backorder again. If you want one, you can still order online and we will get your order out on the next batch. Thanks!
  3. Hello All, Back on Sept. 29th of this year I shipped a brand new Minelab GPZ 7000 to a customer in Los Angeles, CA. Somehow the detector was either stolen or dropped off while in the possession of the US Postal Service. I'm still battling with the US Postal Service to get the insurance value back of $5000, which is not even close to what the unit cost us as dealers. We got word the unit might have been sold on Ebay, but we don't have solid evidence yet. If anyone finds or see's this Minelab GPZ 7000, it's worth $1000 cash to you!! I don't care if I get the unit back worn and beat up, just need the detector back. The serial number is # 52851858062 I don't have time to watch Ebay or Craig's List, but I'm sure at some point this unit will pop up for sale really cheap since it's stolen. It could have been sold and re-sold for all I know at this point. Thanks for anyone that watches this stuff.
  4. Hey Guys, Rich Hill as most know, is known for some awesome gold placers and large gold nuggets. However, it's also one of the most claimed up location in the State of Arizona. There are claim over claims in some areas, then other areas being commercially mined for placer gold. Most of the hardrock mines have been torment for almost a century. I highly recommend Erik Melchiorre's "Gold Atlas of Rich Hill, Arizona. It's loaded with great information and a lot of great color pictures. He also has 3 Book on the Quartzsite placers which are also well worth the purchase. You can view all these books here -
  5. Hey Guys, Great price. I always have to check out these ads, I have a brand new GPZ 7000 I shipped out about a month ago and it was stolen from the mail. We believe someone is trying to sell it on Ebay, might have already done so.
  6. Hey Guys, Yes, the country was pretty thick, but open in some places. Most of the gullies and areas near the benches were pretty thick. Ron - it was for sure up in the hills, not down low in the typically alluvial stuff. Lots of quartz blows around, most of them looked "Bull" or barren.
  7. Hey Walker, Pieces like that are very hard to come by anymore at any placer, including Rich Hill. Congrats on the beautiful find and hopefully it turns into a nice patch right before the Holiday season. Keep us posted of anymore goodies. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Hey Jen, Shit that was me ..... LOL I'm the quick shipper, then it's Dawn! We appreciate your continued business and the order will ship tomorrow morning US Priority Mail. We still have a small batch of both the 15's and 35's, but they are going quickly. Speaking of coil covers, Yes that one fits well. We have about a million coil covers if anyone is looking for coil covers for Nugget Finder, Coiltek, Minelab, Fisher, and more ...... I just haven't listed all of them yet.
  9. Hello All, Just a FYI, the new Minelab Pro Find 15 and 35 Pinpointers are back in stock. We have a pretty good order of them, but I know they will sell quickly. I have attached two links for direct orders of them. These are perfect little Stocking Stuffers for any gold prospector or coin shooter. Pro Find 15 Pinpointer - $99.00 + SH -----> Pro Find 35 Pinpointer - $129.00 + SH -----> Both of these new pinpointers are great and tons of great reviews on them coming in from the gold prospecting and coin/relic communities.
  10. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. I agree that most gold isn't alone. However, in this spot the bedrock was minimal at best, so much of the stuff is deep. I know how to get back to this spot, but was hoping some other gullies in the nearby area might hold some nuggets also. If the hike wasn't so long and the terrain a bit rough and very thick in spots, I might attempt it again really soon. The Lost Placer could be just fine gold, but I would think if I found it, I would find the signs of placering if they were of any size. Most of the placers around Arizona have some nuggets, so hopefully at some point we can locate it. It was great getting back behind the GPZ. I was recovering from a few surgeries, so the GPX was a bit lighter and more ergonomic to use during those times.
  11. Hello All, We have been researching a lost placer in Northern, AZ for some time, so we finally got an opportunity this weekend to give it a whirl. A partner and I hiked in several miles from the nearest remote road and tried our best at finding the lost placer, if it even really exists. What is strange, is it's not near any typical gold bearing placer areas. We didn't see any prospects, mines or any signs of placering the entire day. I was lucky enough in one of the gullies to find this small quartz and gold specimen weighting around 2 Dwt's. After hitting this small piece, a partner and I really slowed down and tried to find another piece of so. The wash was pretty barren and even the side gullies. I guess we will just chalk this up as a lonely nugget gully. It's out there .....
  12. Hey Bud, It's always nice to return and get a few pieces. I might be exploring a new spot with a lot of potential this weekend. P.S. Hope you didn't talk about the nugget at the outing, I might want to drywash his spot.
  13. Hey Rockpile, Congrats, that is some really nice looking gold. Wishing you much more success in that ravine. Thanks for sharing with us.
  14. Hey Guys, Here is some great looking gold from a friend of mine. Nearly 6 ounce of placer gold, all found with a metal detector. All the gold is for sale if anyone is interested in sending me an offer through the forum. Only contact me if you're serious. The biggest nugget has a few spots where quartz crystals were embedded.
  15. Hey Tom, Congrats. A lot more gold up in that country that anyone probably guessed 20+ years ago :). Hope you find a nice Holiday Patch, you deserve it!
  16. Hey Guys, It's real. I'm trying to clean up a huge email list I have for future promo's, newsletters and other stuff sent via email. If you have gotten one, it's just to let you know we would love to keep you on the list. If you don't want to be emailed in the future from us, you can unsubscribe from it. We will be running specials like Black Friday and other Holiday specials that will be shot through email. If you're interested in joining our list and you're not currently on it, send your email address to me at - and I will add you. Thanks!
  17. Hello All, Rob's Detector Sales will be closed for Thanksgiving on Nov. 23rd and 24th. All orders will ship Saturday or Monday. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
  18. Hello All, If you ordered a Minelab Pro-Find 35 Pinpointer, a majority of the orders shipped this morning. We were only allocated a percentage of our original pre-order from several months ago, so a few customers will get theirs on the second batch. I'm hoping the ones that are getting them within a few days will post some information on their performance. Thanks for all your continued business with us here at Rob's Detectors.
  19. Hey Guys/Gals, Just wanted to Thank All who served our great country. I'm posting a bit early as I will be out all day tomorrow. God Bless American!
  20. Hey Bill and Others, I seen this subject on another forum, but it's worth some talk. I haven't personally been to Rye Patch in 15+ years. It was a great place to hunt back in the day despite the long drive from Central Arizona. During that time, 2000 time frame, the place was wide open and you wouldn't see a soul for weeks. You could practically go anywhere you wanted. When the price of gold started to rise, many sections started to get claimed up, some were even pushing old ground, or re-pushing areas. The sections have always been checker boarded, Railroad vs. Private. The Railroad property was always kind of considered open ground (being right or wrong). I have heard of a lot of highgrading on Private and Railroad property. Many are doing huge training sessions, while others individuals are hitting the ground every weekend. Would be interesting to hear what others have to say.
  21. Hey Rockpile, I haven't tried that low of a thresold yet. I would think the best way to test would be to compare a low threshold (like 1) vs. a higher threshold with the same settings, without removing the nugget or target. Whatever sounds best would probably give you a better idea. I've always used the theshold as a background reference, so any disturbance or break in that I would investigate. Normally, if I got a disturbance in the threshold, it was always a deep target.
  22. Hey Rockpile, Was that after using the Ferrite Ground balancing ring? Thanks for the order also. The Ferrite ring does help for sure, especially in moderate to high mineralization.
  23. Hello All, Just a quick announcement of a new Coiltek release, the 22" Round DD Searchcoil. This new DD configuration will provide the user with excellent ground coverage, DD performance in a light-weight shell while still providing a robust and high quality product. This coil will be best suited to open terrain where the mineralization is moderate to high and can also provide the user with the GPX iron discrimination function if hunting for buried treasure in a high trash area. DD configured searchcoil are also great for hunting for gold nuggets in very mineralized ground. The DD will run much smoother in higher mineralization over a monoloop searchcoil and still gives you the discrimination ability to use. Some specs on the Coiltek 22" DD Goldstalker - Open Web Design DD Configuration Can use the discrimination feature on GPX detectors Includes skid plate and mounting hardware Standard shaft mount Ultimate depth and senstivity Smooth operation in mineralized areas Weight - 1110 Grams or 37 Ounces approx. 2 Year Warranty from purchase date We now have added to our online store if anyone is interested in a purchase. The coil is $435 with free shipping
  24. Hey Guys, Here is a pretty information write up on the various technologies of metal detectors by Minelab over the years, including the new Minelab Equinox metal detector. Worth a quick look over if you haven't seen it already - Sounds like this detector will be a good one. We are still taking pre-orders on this unit if you want to get one of the first ones that arrive. Contact us by phone or email to get your name on the pre-order list. No money required up front, we will cll once they arrive.
  25. Hello All, A customer of mine sent me this picture of a nice 2.5 ounce gold specimen found in Arizona. It was found with the Minelab Eureka Gold, but the customer now has a Garrett ATX to re-investigate the area. The customer read about chasing down quartz, so they found this piece near the surface in an area with a lot of quartz laying around on the surface. It's still out there .....