Happy Birthday ROB

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It won't be long you can't remember what day it is anyway.If Grubstake hadn't corrected himself you would just say Thank You and go on.HaHa

I know I shouldn't judge others as the condition that I'm in.

You take care Rob and remember if you live long enough you will get there.

Chuck Anders

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  • Admin

Hello All,

Thanks for the early Birthday wishes. My Birthday is on Sept. 18th, which will put me at 25 (ya right) :rolleyes:

The Birthday's seem to come faster and faster each year. Before I know it I will be over the hill. Just walked back in from the Minelab Partners Conference in Vegas. Long weekend ... but some great information was shared.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob

Since I'll be in RP on your Birthday, good thing Gary

is a little early with his fine gesture. So hope you

have a wonderful 25th and many more..you youngen you.

Best to You and Yours

Herb the Olden

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Yeh, when get to the point! You Kiss your DOG and Pet your wife, you'll be where I'm at. all messed up. laugh.giflaugh.gif Grubstake

grubstake i like that, its for sure u haven't lost your sense of humor and i can always use a laugh to help me through my problems

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Happy Birthday Rob. You've been a great friend through the years I was sort of hoping you would stay young long enough to take care of me when I got old, but you are getting too old now, I don't think I could trust you to take care of me after talking to Dawnie and hearing how worthless you are around the house. :rolleyes:

Best Wishes!


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