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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, This is just a prank, but love the video. The guy was so excited.
  2. Hello All, Here is a great video from Australia of Walt and Liz finding gold with the new NF 17x13 Evolution Searchcoil - We now stock this coil and offer free shipping -
  3. Here is a short article from CBS 5 online on Rattlesnakes - Read more:
  4. Hey Neilo, Sounds like you troubleshooted it to the charger. I have heard of a couple of bad ones, but not real common by any means. Like a few guys mentioned, the batteries that come stock are ok, but the aftermarket ones I sell or potentially the ones you mentioned will be much better and last a few m ore hours. Always nice to have an extra set of batteries, even some cheap Costco "C" Batteries as backups when something goes wrong. Wishing you much success with the Minelab SDC 2300.
  5. Hey CaliforniaGold, You currently have a Minelab PI? If not, you might want to contact me at some point Hopefully you have one already. There is a lot of talk about the new Coiltek 18-inch Mono Elite bridging the gap pretty close to the GPZ 7000 when using the GPX 5000 in some of the deep timings. I haven't personally tested it yet, but some of the Aussie's seem to believe so. That being said, I have tested the Coiltek 14-inch Mono Elite on a GPX 4500 and GPX 5000 against my GPZ. My finding were my GPZ was still getting better results. I probably would have been disappointed if the results I seen were just the opposite!
  6. Hey Barry, Great news to hear how Land Matters has really grown and continues to grow as we speak. The LR2000 was always having issues, at least every time I tried to use it.
  7. Hey CoBill, Let me inquire tonight about them from the US Distributor and see when they will be available. I will get back with you. Yes, some great finds from both the Coiltek Elite's and NF Evolutions.
  8. Excellent Finds CaliforniaGold. Have you tried a Minelab PI, or a PI in general at any of those locations?
  9. Hey Guys, The hotrocks are the biggest killer out here in Arizona in my opinion, along with some Basalts. That being said, I have had the SDC 2300 in some areas and it was more immune to some of the hotrocks/basalts than the GPX 5000 or GPZ. It was hard to believe, but true. I'm sure it has something to do with the timing on the SDC. I'm finding gold just as small as the SDC with the GPZ 7000. Cowkiller is now doing the same finding the pieces at 1 grain and smaller.
  10. Hey Justin, Well at least now you know everything I said it true! The unit is amazing for having a 14x13 and finding stuff that small. Like I said, under a grain is possible, done it many times. Congrats on your finds. Within no time, you will have a 100+ nuggets with the new unit. Just think of all the stuff you have missed now, it might be small, but 100's of them will add up to many ounces (thousands of dollars) in gold. Keep up the good shooting with the GPZ.
  11. Hey Ron, I'm the same way, really hate to change, but the older version was getting hit hard with SPAMMERS. The older version have less security features and SPAMMERS get smarter all the time. Hopefully we all can work into this new format.
  12. Hey Tom # 2, I changed it to Old Tom, can't remember what it was. Tell me, and I can change it on my end. Sorry for the hiccups, when the upgrade took place, it took the usernames over the Display names.
  13. Hey Jimmy, Thanks for the comments and glad you're posting. As time goes on I will continue to work and tweak the forums. Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Just a FYI as you can see, I did a forum upgrade to the most current version. Normally, new versions have bugs that at some point will have patches and updates to fix. If you notice anything, please let me know. During the upgrade process, it stated you could only keep one name, your username or display name. I allowed it to keep the username, as most use this name to log into the forums. I haven't checked if you can change it yet. I recommend checking your settings in the top right corner to see what you can do on your end. I'm also in the process of updating my online store, so you might experience some minor issues. If you're experiencing any issues ordering, please call us. Thanks!
  15. Hello All, Ya, I'm not sure how many bugs are in the newest version. I took the plunge and done it.
  16. Hey CowKiller, I told you so, it's just a matter of time until your Brother calls after you start hitting 5-10 nugget per day with the GPZ ..... Tell him the price is double on the unit if you're working with a relative nearby on the same ground. Give it time, learn the detector, you will be finding much more. It takes awhile to justify the GPZ on small gold, but you're now finding stuff smaller, smaller gold much deeper, larger gold deeper if it's there and gold you wouldn't have found with the SD, GP or GPX series (very porous gold). Thanks for the business. I didn't expect any less from you (find gold wise) to be honest.
  17. Hey Uncle Ron, That is one nugget, but has good character from the looks. It's pretty dirty, I never cleaned it yet.
  18. Hello All, Well the forums have been down. Here is a small nugget, 2.6 Grams I found after field instructions last weekend. Nothing impressive, but a few grams here and there add up. Found with the GPZ 7000.
  19. Hello All, Received dozens of emails and phone calls that the forums went down last night. I guess I never received an email notification that my credit card expired on file with them ...... You might see a small outage again on the forums, as I'm having them updated to the latest version. Please let me know if you have any issues once the new version is installed. Thanks for all the head-ups when it went down. Great to be back online.
  20. Hello All, Come visit Rob's Detector Sales at the upcoming GPAA Phoenix Gold Show, March 12th and 13th (Saturday and Sunday). This years location will be at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. We will be posting more information as the event gets closer to us. Just wanted everyone to know we will be there and looking forward to chatting with you! If you need anything, please let us know in advance so we can bring it along. We will also have some exclusive specials on detectors and such only for this event. Visit the GPAA's Facebook page to see more information about the upcoming shows - You can also visit the GPAA's main website at - Hope to see you there!
  21. Hello All, Well, it's that time of the year when customers start calling and scheduling their field instructions. If you purchase a Pulse Induction metal detector (regardless of brand) from Rob's Detectors, we will take you out in the field for a day and train you on that unit for FREE. This including a full day of training, conducted on private claims and you keep anything you find! If you're looking to get training on your unit and purchased elsewhere, we charge $300 for an entire day. We treat you just like you purchased the unit from us! This weekend a trainer and I conducted field instructions with 4 customers. Two of them had Minelab SDC 2300's, the others had GPX 5000's. We broke into groups, spent a good portion of the day on instructions and then some detecting in the field. Two of the customers found gold nuggets, the other two guys due their fair share of targets throughout the day. Overall, the weather was awesome and everyone left with a big smile. Here is a short email from one of the customers - We promise if you purchase from us, we are going to spend the entire time with you, get you trained on your unit and hopefully you can walk away with a nugget to boot. Beyond that, we offer unlimited support beyond the sale. You can email, call, text or chat with us here on the forums for support. Here are a few pictures of the customers during the outing -
  22. Hey Guys, Yep, there are more, just need to get back out there. I have another piece I'm doing specific gravity on soon. I will post the pictures and data once I do.