Rob's Detector Sales Arizona Outing

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Hello All,

   I haven't really done anything as far as outing, but we might have obtained permission on a large section of land in a proven goldfield to have an outing.  Looking for advice on setting up an outing for anyone to show up and learn and talk with others in this great hobby.  

Advice on duration, food required and other events would be appreciated.  I really want to make it great and where everyone will learn and benefit from the outing.  

Thanks in advance! 

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Hi, Rob;

Most Outings are scheduled for three days, usually on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Generally, the Saturday dinner is a potluck. Bill usually fixes smoked roadkill of some kind and others bring main-dishes, sides and dessert. The WSPA does something similar...
I suggest porta-potties be arranged otherwise you have to depend on all the participants using good practices...or have crap and crap paper scattered across the land.

Drinks, utensils and such are up to the individuals...however, many will show up empty handed, wondering where the plates, etc will have to decide if you want to be a good enabler (host) or not.

that is my penny's worth...


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Bill's outing is scheduled March 17-19 ... don't have my calendar in front of me but pretty sure I have that right ... He usually has a good turn-out at LSD/Jackass Flats ... if I were you I would do the next weekend and therefore taking advantage of the folks that may still be in the area. other than that I would double up on what Fred said. I will be attending Bill's outing and try to go every year. Will try to go to yours too.

Mike F

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3 Days is good...Pot luck on Sat. works well.

Dont know about doing it the weekend after Bills though. I know I would have camp out burn out by then....

Anything past March is going to be getting warm if its down here in the desert.

Might shoot for Fall. That would give people time to plan and not conflict with other outings.

A sign up is also a good idea as it would tell you how many people are interested and committed to going.

Extra firewood is always needed. I usually drag back a top rack full every time I go out as most camp areas are woodless.



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15 minutes ago, oldies1955 said:

3 Days is good...Pot luck on Sat. works well.

Dont know about doing it the weekend after Bills though. I know I would have camp out burn out by then....

Anything past March is going to be getting warm if its down here in the desert.

Might shoot for Fall. That would give people time to plan and not conflict with other outings.

A sign up is also a good idea as it would tell you how many people are interested and committed to going.

Extra firewood is always needed. I usually drag back a top rack full every time I go out as most camp areas are woodless.



Yeah I'll be out of town that next weekend so don't do it then!

I agree give it a lot of time in advance for people to prepare, especially for a new Rob's Detectors outing. Fall is such a wonderful time in Arizona that'd be a great time to do it.

Might be worth paying a small fee also to cover food expenses, the porta-potties mentioned etc.

Either way I hope to attend and maybe drag along a few other prospectors! Shouldn't be too hard to drum up plenty of interest between the forums, Facebook etc.

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If I may add to my comments:

a sign-up is good but...often people commit, "steaks" are bought, then many don't show...and some will show empty won't know until the moment arrives.

The WSPA has a Gold Basin Outing March 24,25,26. However, it has a small membership.

best wishes, Rob

fred mason

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Hey Guys,

   I might consider shooting for the Fall so we have time to plan and do it right.  I don't honestly want to do an outing right after another, as I think the turn out will be minimal outside maybe the snowbird's that are here for the Winter.  

I think the 3 days is probably about right and will need to plan on location, food and how to advertise it when we get close.  I'm hoping to get you all to help out and hopefully show up.  I have some plans in the workings right now for claims, might be something different than having to worry about permits and such. 

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Rob, I think you are right on about fall for the outing.  Tom and I will help out as much as we can on it.  There will have to be a meeting of the minds on location as the Kalif guys have to travel quite a distance to get here.  Food, utensils, fire wood always works out well.  Port-a-potties should be addressed for families who don't have RV's and such.  Looking forward to it after a hot summer. 

   Old Tom

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On 2/12/2017 at 9:50 AM, nuggethunting said:

Hey Guys,

   I might consider shooting for the Fall so we have time to plan and do it right.  I don't honestly want to do an outing right after another, as I think the turn out will be minimal outside maybe the snowbird's that are here for the Winter.  

I think the 3 days is probably about right and will need to plan on location, food and how to advertise it when we get close.  I'm hoping to get you all to help out and hopefully show up.  I have some plans in the workings right now for claims, might be something different than having to worry about permits and such. 

So were talking Dec? Thats fall here in Az. :) Seriously, if you need help let me know.

Tom H.


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Thank you for a  nice site, I think you have heard from some of the brightest minds in the SW US.  Mike, the Toms, Lipca, etc. I agree with the comments.....  However, I would just like to give you a heads up regarding any input Fred may provide, he is a former sheet rocker, enough said....  Hi Fred

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That's OK Fred ... Scummy Drywall Hanger or not ... Anyone who would make a hot breakfast special for my dog every morning on a camping trip is TOPS in my book! Pretty good prospector/miner too I might add!


Mike F

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