Prayer Request needed for my Father Wayne

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Hello All,

   Well it's always hard to swallow when you hear back news about anyone's health, especially your own Father.  My Father has been plagued with health problems for years, ranging from a Stroke in the Brain, Tumors, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Heart Attack, Heart Bypass Surgery x3 and now potentially Pancreas Cancer.  He has been having pain in the lower chest area for some time, he just thought it was heartburn or bloating.  My Mother finally convinced him to go to the ER, so they did.  They found a 2.5 cm mass on or in the Pancreas.  While he was in the Hospital for a few days, they ran a blood test called the CA 19-9, which is a Tumor Marker test for Cancer of the Pancreas.  The normal range is 0-37, my Father's came back at around 196.  He is going in next week to have a Endoscopic Ultrasound done, where they can get a better look of the Pancreas and other organs in the area, along with taking a biopsy of the Mass.  

We are asking for prayers for my Father Wayne that the outcome will be more optimistic.  It just seems like Dad has never gotten a real break from health issues.  

I have all my Faith and Trust in the Great Lord above.

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Rob You know that I'll be uplifting your father to the Lord in prayer daily.  He (your father) has been in this situation before and the Lord has seen fit to restore him to the family.  Keep your faith and know that all who hear this will be in intercession for him.  

   Old Tom  

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 I’ll be offering up prayers to the Lord for your Dad and you. So many times we forget about the family having to deal with the stress of a love one being sick .

 If your Dad is anything like you I know he has to be a great guy . I pray the Lord lifts this burden from your Dad and ease the worry I know his family has for him .

 In Christ name We pray. Amen !


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Will be praying for him and your family Rob. Srry to hear this.
Tom H.


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Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  My Dad is pretty much in his mind accepted it's Cancer of the Pancreas.  It's hard to believe someone can be so strong through these times, over and over with my Dad.  He's more concerned with how things will be afterwards, like the family being strong.  We will find out Thursday what exactly it is and what options are available, if any.  

I talked with my Dad today again about Salvation.  He said stop worrying about it Son, I'm going to be fine and I know where I'm going if that is what God has planned for me now.  I just about broke down in tears .... 

A good friend sent this to me today, great verse -


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


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Its extremely difficult at times to accept just the thought of a loved one departing from our reality of life.
Rob, you must accept the words he has conveyed to you and know that he is doing the best he can.
Show him your strength and convey your love and adoration for him when you are together.
I will keep you, Dad and the family in my thoughts at this crossroads of life.


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Hey Guys,

   Dad had the Pancreas biopsy last week, the cells came back "abnormal."  We are still waiting for the final pathology report to tell us exactly what it is (cancer/non-cancer or something else).  Please continue to keep my Father in your daily prayers if you would.  Thanks! 

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Will keep praying...hang in there bud.

Tom H.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Rob....How is it going with your dad?

Still praying and hoping all is going good? 

Tom H. 

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